Increase The Citizens’ Engagement – iDenedi For Governments

In our previous article, we talked about the power of the team. A great concept developed by iDenedi to help companies all over the world to reach and engage with more people. We also mentioned a new concept called social currency.

The way it works is when an employee shares post within its social media profile with their connections, iDenedi calculates to how many followers the content reached and we convert that into social currency which can be used internally to get the status quo our exchange it with certain benefits.

iDenedi is a great app for businesses and it could be a great tool for governments as well. Reaching and communicating with the citizens is essential for the governments to understand their needs and implement the right solutions, which will improve the lives of the people.

 Government social score – Ta7awul 

iDenedi provides an incredible opportunity for governments to get closer to the citizens. They can join the government`s groups and share information they are interested in.  

Based on what they share, the citizens can have a social score that can be used for more facilities with government services. The score will be influenced by the size of the citizen network. If the citizens share the content to a wider audience, they will get a better score.

The final outcome is that both the government and the citizens can benefit from mutual collaboration.

Exceptional governments deserve exceptional solutions

Have the better-connected government and team alignment that will bring you instant success. 

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